Oski’s Pediatric Certification and Recertification Board Review provides comprehensive coverage of all of the areas focused on in the board exam. Features include more than 300 board-style review questions, a full-color design and illustrations, and numerous Points to Remember.
Topics Include:
Preparing for the Exam **Â Adolescent Medicine, Gynecology, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse **Â Allergy and Immunology **Â Cardiology **Â Collagen Vascular System **Â Critical Care and Emergency Medicine **Â Dermatology **Â Dysmorphology **Â Ear, Nose, and Throat **Â Endocrinology **Â Fluids and Electrolytes **Â Gastrointestinal System and Nutrition **Â Genetics and Metabolism **Â Growth and Development **Â Hematology **Â Infectious Diseases **Â Neonatology **Â Neurology **Â Oncology **Â Ophthalmology **Â Orthopedics and Sports Medicine **Â Preventive Pediatrics, Biostatistics, and Ethics **Â Pulmonary **Â Renal and Genitourinary System
Authors: Carmen Coombs MD, MPH, Arethusa Stevens Kirk MD, FAAP