Rad Onc Biology & Physics Online Review


  • Recorded live at our Radiation Oncology review course held May 11th -14th, 2016. Audio and accompanying presentations are streamed to your phone, tablet, or desktop.

  • Available as audio or video in 3 and 12-month terms.

SKU: OLRRBP201605 Categories: ,


The Osler Institute utilized state of the art equipment to record our Live 2016 comprehensive Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics Review Course and bring it to you! These Video/Audio files are stored “in the cloud,” so you can stream them anywhere, anytime, as long as you have an internet connection, watch or listen to on your phone, computer, or tablet – your learning experience is almost like being at the live activity but without travel costs and time away from your practice. Included with each online review is a downloadable copy of the syllabus that corresponds to the Video/Audio lectures for your use while viewing or as a free-standing study or clinical practice guide.

This review provides senior trainees/clinicians in practice a comprehensive update of clinical knowledge and helps prepare them for their exams. Emphasis is on evidence-based medicine and board-relevant standards of care as well as new concepts, treatments, imaging applications, and the molecular and cellular biology principles on which they are based.

Faculty & Topics

Rebecca Howell, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiation Physics University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Atomic Structure and Radioactive Decay, Interactions of Photons w/Matter, X-Ray Creation and Delivery, Photon/Electron Beam Creation and Delivery, Imaging and Simulation MU Calculation, Brachytherapy, Radiation Safety, Radiation Shielding, Breast


Eric Klein, PhD

Professor of Radiation Medicine and Radiology Northwell Health, New York

Localization Systems, Electron Treatment Planning, Photon Treatment Planning, IMRT Including ARC, Treatment Planning Algorithms, Particles, Special Procedures, SBRT, Measurements and Calibration, Quality Assurance


Buck Rogers, PhD

Professor of Radiation Oncology Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

Physical Interactions and Radiation Chemistry, Brachytherapy and Radioimmunotherapy, Oxygen Effects, LET, and RBE, Radioprotectors, Cell, Tissue, and Tumor Kinetics, Solid Tumor Assay Systems, Radiation Carcinogenesis


Girdhar Sharma, PhD

Research Assistant Prof of Radiation Oncology Washington University, St. Louis

DNA Damage and Repair, Chromosome and Chromatid Damage, Heritable Effects: Effects on Embryo and Fetus, Cancer Biology, Dose and Clinical Response for Normal Tissue


Learning Objectives

1. Describe the physical principles of radiation therapy
2. Describe methods of radiation measurement, dosimetry, and treatment planning
3. Discuss the application of radionuclides to radiation therapy
4. Summarize the principles of radiation safety and protection procedures
5. Discuss the biological characteristics of cancer and the basis of current treatment modalities
6. Summarize the molecular basis of differential radiosensitivities
7. Discuss the effect of fractionation and dose rate on cell survival

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