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Radiation Oncology Virtual Mock Oral Videos

Original price was: $1,100.00.Current price is: $650.00.

  • Video access will begin on September 7 and continue until November 3.

  • Please note that, unlike our standard oral review, this review does not offer the opportunity for private mock oral sessions.

Unavailable - More Details To Come

SKU: ROCOSBR24V Category:


Hone your critical reasoning and evaluation skills in a case review course designed to help you zero in on what is most clinically relevant for diagnosis, developing a management plan, and treatment approach in all essential Areas of Radiation Oncology. Emphasis is placed on the clinical management of malignant and benign disease by requiring knowledge of anatomy; epidemiology; pathology; patterns of local, regional, and distal involvement; treatment modalities; radiation treatment planning; and treatment results, including prognosis complications.

The course opens with a lecture presentation on the critical reasoning and communication skills essential to passing the Oral Certification exam, which will be emphasized in the recorded mock orals available for viewing. The recorded mock orals cover standard of care relevant cases utilizing a half-hour mock oral exam with feedback format. In addition, participant volunteers and some of our best faculty were recorded in 25-minute virtual simulations of the Oral Board process, followed by faculty critique. The recorded material covers all required topic areas.

Financial Disclosure

Faculty, Planner, and Reviewer Disclosure Declaration

In compliance with the Standards, Guidelines, and Ethical opinions of the ACCME, AAMC, and AMA, The Osler Institute requires that anyone with input into the planning or presentation of Continuing Medical Education activities provided or jointly provided by The Osler Institute must disclose to the program audience any relevant financial relationships with companies or organizations about whose products or services they are discussing in their presentations. Copies of the Faculty Disclosure Forms will be available during this program.

The following faculty/planners/reviewers disclosed a relevant financial relationship(s).


The following faculty/planners/reviewers listed no relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose.

Awan Musaddiq, MD
Dukaglin Blakaj, MD PhD
Bhaswanth Dhanireddy, MD
William A Hall, MD
Kiran A Kumar, MD, MBA
Victor Mangona, MD
Ramji R Rajendran, MD, PhD
Stephen Rosenberg, MD, MS
Jeff Ryckman, MD, MSMP
Ravi Shridhar, MD, PhD

Scott R Silva, MD
Todd Swanson, MD, PhD†
Vladimir Valakh, MD

Joseph Selliken, MD†
Michael Stewart†
Erin Baynard†
John Burns†

Faculty, Faculty Planners (*), and Reviewers (†)



At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to perform the following for cancers of the eight ABR-defined anatomical categories:
• Describe the anatomy, epidemiology/etiologic agents, and natural history
• Explain the pathology and use of tumor markers in determining therapy
• Describe the initial clinical evaluation, staging, and routes of disease spread (local and distant)
• Outline potential treatment modalities, including optimum beam and radiation sources, volume and dose calculations, as well as fractionation as appropriate for a case scenario
• Describe the application of brachytherapy or use of multimodality therapies, including sequence, interactions, and specific agents if warranted
• Discuss follow-up treatment and evaluation, patterns of failure, and normal tissue effects
• Review the use of palliative care for brain, hepatic, and skeletal lesions
• Summarize ethical issues, patient safety, and quality assurance pertinent to individual cases

ABR Oral Exam Information

Taking an ABR oral exam? Here’s an informative video about the process.